Thursday 25 February 2010


Smoking. Why do people smoke? What is about smoking that attracts so many people? As I'm not a smoker i asked people who were and wasn't surprised by their answer. Many of them told me it was to look 'cool'. When they go on a night out they feel smoking is a great way to socialise with other smokers in outdoor areas and also people have found their current partners while inhaling other peoples passive smoke. Since the smoking ban in 2007 and the introduction of outdoor smoking areas, people have started to take up smoking as a way to fit in with their friends so they aren't left out when they all go out for a 'fag'. Curiosity is another reason why people start smoking, they see older siblings or mates trying it and feel the need to see why they are doing it. Some people also feel it makes them look older and mature, but that fact that someone thinks a little stick that could kill them, makes them look older obviously says a lot about their childish thought processes!

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