Thursday 11 February 2010

suggestion for week 12

When thinking about a field trip for week 12, there are many things that come to mind, however many of them are not very feasible or appropriate for a university field trip. When looking over the weekly topics covered in the module the most obvious suggestions the come to mind include adult shop or adult cinema (not too sure the university would be happy funding that!), tattoo parlour (hmm souvenir tattoo anyone?), prison (to show what being bad can actully result in) or maybe even a crack house! But like i said, the majority of these not being feasible or even legally applicable for a university field trip! So back to suggestions that may actually be legal, a casino might be a good but then it could be debated whether gambling is actually considered 'being bad' until it becomes an addiction. When thinking about addiction, you automaticlly think of addictions to alcohol or drugs, things considered morally unacceptable, you dont think about other things that people can become addicted to.

This link shows some of the many things that people can become addicted to. Theres one on the list that i have to admit to being addicted to. The addiction to chocolate is one that affects many all over the world, including me. I crave chocolate and get a feeling of happiness when i get some, its like heaven! Maybe close to the feeling that smokers get when they satisfy their nicotine craving! So anyway, back to the reason im writing this post, the field trip! After all that talk about chocolate i think the only place to go is Cadbury World, it maybe like taking a drugs addict to a crack house, but i think for the sake of this module, its worth it! :)

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