Tuesday 2 March 2010


Hmmm.. this is one of those touchy subjects..well for me it is anyway. Suppose that was the whole point of the lecture..'why is masturbation so taboo?' For me personally, i feel that my upbringing has made it an embarrassing subject to talk about. In Asian society sexual subjects are very rarely discussed out loud and elders do not consider it appropriate to discuss such subjects with their children. The youngsters main source of sexual education comes from school, peers and maybe older brothers or sisters. The one thing about masturbation is that it is completely private. It involves only one person (and any other objects of their choice!) so therefore no one else will know about it, unless ur caught in th act that is!
Although it is considered taboo, it does have its plus points. Studied have shown that is can help to cut risks of prostate cancer in men.

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